Values and Vision
Why do we build our research team in the first place?
We strive to build a trusting team that is interested in solving fundamental challenges in materials chemistry directly relevant to current energy and information technology research.
How do we choose to approach challenges on our journey?
Quantum and multifunctional materials are at the forefront of new technological advances in spintronics and quantum information science. Despite impressive progress in materials research, significant challenges await in terms of our fundamental understanding of the appropriate coupled spin, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom necessary for creating and tuning targeted physical phenomena and capabilities for materials. To address this, we aim to build desired functionalities into new materials by combining chemical principles, appropriate synthetic techniques, advanced structural and physical properties characterization (e.g., advanced synchrotron X-ray, neutron scattering, spectroscopic methods, electronic and optical properties), analytical modeling, and bonding theories.
What is our specific research focus?
Our specific emphasis is placed on the following classes of materials:
Quantum and Multifunctional Materials
We aim to solve the conflict of physical properties, those often do not coexist, and rationally integrate them into novel single systems.
Nonequilibrium Properties
We combine chemical principles and optical excitation to uncover new phases that exhibit non-equilibrium properties.
Materials at the Interface
We focus on understanding and developing material functionality at the interface of chemistry, physics, and materials science & engineering by correlating physical properties to bonding and applications.
We sincerely appreciate the generous support from the following funding agencies: