Direct determination of carbohydrates, amino acids and antibiotics by microchip electrophoresis with pulsed amperometric detection
Charles S. Henry, Carlos D. Garcia US Patent #8293088B2
Charles S. Henry, Carlos D. Garcia US Patent #8293088B2
C Henry, C Garcia US Patent App. 10/568,975
Wilbur W. Wilson, Charles S. Henry, Carlos D. Garcia US Patent #6,974,678
Congrats to an AMAZING team that contributed to this project, exploring the possibility to use AI to predict antioxidant synergism.
Report from the Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering (CEOSE), which advises the U.S. National Science Foundation on policies, programs, practices and activities to encourage full participation of women, underrepresented racial/ethnic populations and persons with disabilities within all levels of the nation’s STEM enterprise.
Lucas B. Ayres, Tomás E. Benavidez, Armelle Varillas, Jeb R. Linton, Daniel C. Whitehead, and Carlos D. Garcia Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71 (2023) 15644–15655