Yanez-Orozco I. S, Levesque B, Ma J., Wang B., Spencer M., Rezaei Adariani S., Hamilton G.L., Ding F., Bowen M.E., Sanabria H.*, Identifying Weak Interdomain Interactions that Stabilize the Supertertiary Structure of the N-Terminal Tandem PDZ Domains of PSD-95, Nature Communications, 9, 3724, (2018).
Hamilton G.L., Disharoon Z., Sanabria H.*, Revisiting viscosity from macroscopic to nanoscale regimes, arXiv:1804.04028v1, Revista Mexicana de Física E, 64, 222-231, (2018).
Hellenkamp B., Schmid S., Doroshenko O., Opanasyuk O., Kühnemuth R., Rezaei Adariani S., Barth A., Birkedal V., Bowen M.E., Chen H., Cordes T., Eilert T., Fijen C., Götz M., Gouridis G., Gratton E., Ha T., Hanke C.A., Hartmann A., Hendrix J., Hildebrandt L. L., Hohlbein J., Hübner C. G., Kallis E., Kapanidis A. N., Kim J.Y., Krainer G., Lamb D.C., Lee N.K., Lemke E. A., Levesque B., Levitus M., McCann J. J., Naredi-Rainer N., Nettels D., Ngo T., Qiu R., Röcker C., Sanabria H., Schlierf M., Schuler B., Seidel H., Streit L., Tinnefeld P., Tyagi S., Vandenberk N., Weninger K. R., Wünsch B., Yanez-Orozco I. S., Michaelis J., Seidel C.A.M., Craggs T. D., Hugel T., Precision and accuracy of single-molecule FRET measurements 1 – a multi-laboratory benchmark study, arXiv:1710.03807, Nature Methods, 15, 669, (2018).
Hoffman, L., Li, l., Alexov, E., Sanabria, H.*, Waxham, M.N., “Cytoskeletal-like filaments of CaMKII are formed in a regulated and Zn2+-dependent manner”, Biochemistry, 56, 2149-2160, (2017).
Ma, J., Yanez-Orozco I.S., Rezaei-Adariani, S., Dolino D., Jayaraman, V., Sanabria, H.*, High Precision FRET at Single-molecule Level for Biomolecule Structure Determination, Journal of Visualized Experiments, e55623. (2017).
Dolino, D., Rezaei-Adariani, S., Jayaraman, V., Sanabria, H.*, Conformational selection and submillisecond dynamics of the ligand-binding domain of the N-methyl-D-Aspartate receptor, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291, 16175-16185. (2016).
Hoffman L., Wang X., Sanabria H., Cheung M.S., Putkey J., Waxham M.N., Relative Cosolute Size Influences the Kinetics of Protein-Protein Interactions, Biophysical Journal, 109, 510-520, (2015).
Felekyan, S., Sanabria, H., Kalinin, S., Kuhnemuth, R. and Seidel, C. A., “Analyzing Forster resonance energy transfer with fluctuation algorithms”, Methods in Enzymology, 519, 39-85 (2013).
Felekyan, S., Kalinin, S., Sanabria, H., Valeri, A. and Seidel, C. A., “Filtered FCS: species auto- and cross-correlation functions highlight binding and dynamics in biomolecules”, ChemPhysChem, 13, 1036-1053 (2012).
Sanabria, H. and Waxham, M. N., “Transient anomalous subdiffusion: effects of specific and nonspecific probe binding with actin gels”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, 959-972 (2010).
Kim, S. A., Sanabria, H., Digman, M. A., Gratton, E., Schwille, P., Zipfel, W. R. and Waxham, M. N., “Quantifying translational mobility in neurons: comparison between current optical techniques”, Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 16409-16416 (2010).
Sanabria, H., Swulius, M. T., Kolodziej, S. J., Liu, J. and Waxham, M. N., “βCaMKII regulates actin assembly and structure”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 9770-9780 (2009).
Homouz, D., Sanabria, H., Waxham, M. N. and Cheung, M. S., “Modulation of calmodulin plasticity by the effect of macromolecular crowding”, Journal of Molecular Biology, 391, 933-943 (2009).
Vajrala, V., Claycomb, J. R., Sanabria, H. and Miller, J. H., Jr., “Effects of oscillatory electric fields on internal membranes: an analytical model”, Biophysical Journal, 94, 2043-2052 (2008).
Sanabria, H., Digman, M. A., Gratton, E. and Waxham, M. N., “Spatial diffusivity and availability of intracellular calmodulin”, Biophysical Journal, 95, 6002-6015 (2008).
Goins, A. B., Sanabria, H. and Waxham, M. N., “Macromolecular crowding and size effects on probe microviscosity”, Biophysical Journal, 95, 5362-5373 (2008).
Sanabria, H., Kubota, Y. and Waxham, M. N., “Multiple diffusion mechanisms due to nanostructuring in crowded environments”, Biophysical Journal, 92, 313-322 (2007).
Sanabria, H. and Rodríguez-Lara, B. M., “An introduction to quantum interferometry: Young’s experiment with fock and coherent states”, Revista Mexicana de Física E, 53, 97-105 (2007).
Sanabria, H., Miller, J. H., Jr., Mershin, A., Luduena, R. F., Kolomenski, A. A., Schuessler, H. A. and Nanopoulos, D. V., “Impedance spectroscopy of alpha-beta tubulin heterodimer suspensions”, Biophysical Journal, 90, 4644-4650 (2006).
Sanabria, H. and Miller, J. H., Jr., “Relaxation processes due to the electrode-electrolyte interface in ionic solutions”, Physical Review E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 74, 051505 (2006).