864-889-0519 chg@clemson.edu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Email: maryamn@clemson.edu


Maryam Nasiri

Maryam Nasiri

I completed my undergraduate degree in biology and master’s degree in human genetics in Iran. My research during this time was focused on figuring out modifications in genes implicated in DNA repair pathways in familial esophageal cancer through whole-exome sequencing (WES). This particular type of cancer is common in that part of Iran, affecting multiple generations of families. Then I began working as a genetic consultant and WES data interpreter in a medical genetics clinic. Working with patients made me better understand their problems and the gaps in our knowledge. This strengthened my resolve to pursue my education further. In 2019 I moved to Mexico to study for my PhD. In my PhD thesis, we aimed to better comprehend the distinctions between high-risk and low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV). We have examined splicing-related factors, splicing mechanisms, and isoform switch events across the genome in cell lines carrying various oncogenes from different HPV types. My knowledge mostly consists of bioinformatics, molecular genetics, and human genetic disorders. Currently, I’m a final-year PhD student and doing my internship here at the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics (CHG).


My research at the CHG is mainly on allele-specific expression in Drosophila in order to discover cis-regulatory mechanisms controlling complex traits.


Google scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TjnsusUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao