The Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Human Genetics
Call for Proposals for Research Projects and Pilot Projects
The Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) in Human Genetics constitutes a unique partnership between the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics and the Greenwood Genetic Center ( Research in the COBRE in Human Genetics focuses on understanding the genetic, genomic, and epigenetic mechanisms by which molecular genetic variation affects rare and common diseases. Investigators of the COBRE in Human Genetics tackle several of the outstanding challenges facing modern human genetics, using experimental analyses in model organisms and human cell lines as well as statistical and computational data analyses.
The COBRE in Human Genetics is calling for proposals for four Pilot Projects for up to two years each, with annual direct costs of $75,000. Pilot Projects will be from 02/01/2024-01/31/2026.
The COBRE in Human Genetics is calling for proposals for two Research Projects for up to two years each, with annual direct costs of $175,000. Research Projects will be from 02/01/2024-01/31/2026, with the possibility of renewal for a further 2 years, pending Phase II renewal funding for the COBRE in Human Genetics.
Eligibility: Tenure-track investigators from any Clemson University Department (or individuals with an equivalent position at the Greenwood Genetic Center) with research interests in human genetics who have not been a PI on an NIH R01 or equivalent grant are eligible. Previous COBRE in Human Genetics Pilot Projects Leaders who have not been a PI on an NIH R01, R35 or equivalent grant are also eligible. Applicants with R21 or K award funding are also eligible.
Format: Applications should be formatted according to the most recent NIH SF424 Application Guide. The applications will consist of the NIH SF424 Face Page, Project Summary (Page 2), Specific Aims (1 page), Research Strategy (6 pages), References, NIH Biosketch, Statement of Current and Pending Support, Detailed Budget and Budget Justification. Proposals should note how the project fits thematically into the COBRE in Human Genetics and how completion of the proposed pilot or research project will position the applicant for a successful NIH R01, R35 or equivalent grant application.
Review of applications: Proposals will be reviewed by members of the External Advisory Committee of the COBRE in Human Genetics and the COBRE leadership, using the NIH R01 reviewer template and scoring system. Proposals will be ranked based on the track record of the faculty member, the fit of the proposed research with the theme of the COBRE in Human Genetics, utilization of core facilities, innovation and quality of the proposed research, and the likelihood of the proposed project to be competitive for R01, R35 or equivalent funding when completed. Proposals that meet these criteria, extend the scientific scope of the COBRE in Human Genetics, and are interdisciplinary will be preferred. Accepted proposals must fully comply with all applicable federal policies, rules, and guidelines for research involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, and/or biohazards before an account is established. Research and Pilot Project Leaders will be required to participate in all professional development activities sponsored by the COBRE in Human Genetics.
Review of progress: Progress reports will be reviewed annually by the External Advisory Committee of the COBRE in Human Genetics and the COBRE leadership.
Application deadline: Applications must be submitted as a single pdf to Dr. Trudy Mackay ( by 5:00 pm EST on October 31, 2023.
Start date: Results from the reviews of applications will be announced in December 2023 with a start date of February 1, 2024.
For further information please contact Drs. Trudy Mackay (, Robert Anholt (, or Richard Steet (