Graduate Student
Bibhu Simkhada, a native of Kathmandu, Nepal, received his B.S. in Biological Sciences and a minor in Chemistry from the University of Mississippi OleMiss in the spring of 2021. During his time at OleMiss, he worked under Dr. Gregg Roman to understand the role of pre-synaptic vesicle fusion proteins (Unc family of proteins) in the development of alcohol tolerance. Using Drosophila as a model system, he looked at how ethanol interacts with Unc13 to induce behavioral and molecular changes.
Bibhu joined Clemson’s Center for human genetics in the fall of 2021 as a doctoral student where he started working with Dr. Robert Anholt and Dr. Trudy Mackay to explore other horizons of Drosophila genetics. Outside of academics, he enjoys swimming and being outdoors.
- Sanfilippo Syndrome Type B (Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIB or MPS IIIB) is a rare genetic condition caused by defects in a lysosomal hydrolase, NAGLU. Affected individuals have prominent effects in the central nervous system, however, the cellular mechanisms of disease prognosis remain elusive. Using molecular, microscopy, and behavioral tests on CRISPR-engineered fly-lines, Bibhu hopes to uncover mechanistic insights into disease pathogenesis, as well as explore therapeutic avenues for MPS IIIB.
- Bibhu is also interested in understanding the genetic architecture of complex traits such as aging and senescence. He is currently involved in large-scale screening of the Drosophila Genome Reference Panel (DGRP) to discover specific lines that undergo a sharp decline in physical performance as they age.