Sponsorship opportunities

You and your organization have the opportunity to participate at this exciting event by becoming a sponsor for the symposium. The contribution to the event will be broadly publicized, thus demonstrating your commitment to education, research, and the development of young talent. A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available so you may choose your level of support and exposure. The Organizing Committee has already obtained some initial support, but we need additional funds to support some of the additional expenses of the event. In this regard, we have three levels of sponsorship:

Platinum Sponsor $2,000 + Benefits for Gold sponsors plus a table/space to display your organization’s profile during the event.
Gold Sponsor $1,000 – $2,000 Benefits for Silver sponsors plus prominent recognition of your contribution during the event in audio/visual outlets and inclusion of your organization’s logo in all printed materials.
Silver Sponsor $500 – $1,000 Logo/direct link in the web page, mention in our social media outlets, and public acknowledgement of the support during the event.


We also offer a variety of opportunities to make in-kind contributions by sponsoring specific parts of the event, including:

  • Student poster awards: $500
  • Coffee / Pastries table: $300
  • Partial conference lunch (after closing ceremony): $250


Regardless of your contribution, we appreciate your effort and hope you will be able to join us at the event.

The Organizing Committee




