Prepare your poster

IMG 4825

The suggested poster dimensions are 4ft x 3ft (portrait or landscape).

All posted should be up by 9:00 am. In order to promote discussion between students, we suggest that presenters of posters with ODD numbers stand by their posters 9:00-10:00 am. Students with EVEN numbers should stand by their posters 10:00-11:00. Poster numbers will be assigned according the program and will be available prior to the event. Isles and stands will be provided but students are encouraged to bring clips (please do not use tape or adhesives)

Submit your poster to TigerPrints

All presenters are invited to submit a copy of the final poster to TigerPrints. This is Clemson’s digital repository and publishing platform that provides open access to scholarly works created by the faculty, students, and staff of Clemson University and their global collaborators. It ensures that the intellectual output of Clemson University is disseminated broadly, rapidly, and openly while making it easily discoverable around the world.

Upload your poster