Submit your abstract

All graduate and undergraduate students are invited to present posters at the Symposium. In addition, students participating in activities sponsored by the department are also invited to participate. We also ask you to submit abstracts of your poster presentations by Saturday, February 17, 2024.


Abstracts submitted after the deadline may still be considered but only be published in the symposium’s website (not in the book of abstracts).

Poster submission
Please include a brief title of your poster
Please include the name and last name of each author, followed by a number to link the affiliation. Use the following field for the corresponding author (do not repeat it)
Please include the name and last name of the person designated as the corresponding author, followed by a number to link the affiliation. This is typically a professor in the department.
Please include the corresponding affiliation of authors, following the order used in the previous field.
Please copy/past your abstract here. Please limit the description to approximately 500 words (3/4 page or about 5000 characters maximum).

Maximum file size: 1MB

Please upload a graphical abstract for your poster here (only JPG & PNG allowed). The image will be best viewed if scaled to approximately 300px (W) by 180px (H).