Frequently Asked Questions
Can I schedule a meeting to discuss a project I have in mind?
Yes, we highly encourage you to meet with us before you begin your project as sample preparation/storage may affect experimental outcomes. We offer a free hour of consultation to discuss your research goals with CUGBF.
What are the prices for the services that you offer?
As each project is unique please contact us to discuss your needs and we can provide you with a price estimate.
What must be submitted when requesting molecular benchwork and/or sequencing?
Whether submitting organisms/tissues/cultures, nucleic acids, or libraries, a completed CUGBF sample sheet must accompany each project.
Does CUGBF accept external projects?
Do you offer training for offered services?
Yes, we offer training in both our genomic and bioinformatic services. For some services, once the training is successfully completed, the user may operate some of our instruments on their own or with some guidance by our staff. Please contact us to schedule a training session.
Does CUGBF have stated policies for submission, training, prioritization, storage, and data sharing?
Yes, CUGBF has a written policy containing all of these things, and a copy will be given to each PI before any project is started.
How does our lab acknowledge the utilized services that CUGBF provided?
While we are a fee for service resource on Clemson University’s campus, this does not exempt the user from acknowledging the facility and the IDeA NIH grant that supports the facility in part in all publications, projects, and/or research. There is no cost for the use of software installed and scripts for the pipelines designed by the staff of CUGBF. We request that all data generated through use of CUGBF’s infrastructure (instrumentation, software, and scripts) include an acknowledgement statement.