Graduate Students

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Unaiza Uzair

Unaiza Uzair received her B.S. and M.S. in Chemistry from University of the Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan) in 2009 and 2011 respectively. She worked for 1 year as an Analytical Chemist (apprentice) at the quality control lab of a fertilizer company in Pakistan and later worked for 1.5 years as Assistant Scientific Officer at the National Forensic Lab of Pakistan before starting her Ph.D. as a Fulbright scholar at Clemson University. She is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Dr. Anker’s group at Clemson University focusing on template assisted nanoparticle synthesis, hydrogel synthesis, pH sensors for detection and monitoring of implant-associated infection and surface characterization using XELCI.

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Gretchen Schober

Gretchen is a chemistry doctoral candidate working toward monitoring drug release in situ with multimodal radioluminescent, photoluminescent, and MRI Contrast Agents. She obtained her B.S. in biochemistry from the University of New Mexico, and performed three years of undergraduate research at Sandia National Labs.

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Apeksha Chaturangi

Apeksha Chaturangi Rajamanthrilage completed a special degree in chemistry at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. She began her graduate studies at Clemson University Department of Chemistry in Fall 2015. In December 2015 she joined Dr. Anker’s lab, where she is working on miniturizing the luminescent spectral rulers and strain sensors for in vivo application.

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Meenakshi Ranasinghe

Meena is a chemistry doctoral candidate working on nanophosphor synthesis and deformation

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Sachindra Dulashini

Sachi is a chemistry doctoral candidate working on injectible chemical sensors that can be read radiographically.


Uthpala Wijayaratna

Uthpala is a chemistry doctoral candidate working on implantable pH and glucose sensors with radiographic readout.