Dr. Carlos D. Garcia

Professor, Department of Chemistry
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
363 Hunter Laboratories, Clemson, S.C. 29634
Phone: (864) 656-1356
Email: cdgarci@clemson.edu

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Associated Appointments
2025 CDG

Dr. Carlos D Garcia is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry. He holds a B.S. in Biochemistry and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. He performed postdoctoral studies at Mississippi State University (MSU) and Colorado State University; and joined Clemson University in 2015 after a successful tenure at UT San Antonio. Dr. Garcia’s research is dedicated to advance the understanding and applicability of microfluidic devices, nanomaterials, and electrochemical processes. His group is focused on the development of integrated analytical approaches that span from highly specialized instrumentation to simple paper-based devices. Applications of these projects include the quantification of biomedically-relevant analytes, the design of biocatalysts, and the implementation of artificial intelligence to address analytical problems. He has supervised numerous graduate and undergraduate students, and the outcomes of their research have been presented and published in over 100 peer-reviewed publications. His research has received funding from prestigious organizations, including the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. In 2018, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Currently, he serves as co-Editor in Chief for Electrophoresis (Wiley) as well as Associate Editor for Sensors and Diagnostics (RSC). His research has received support from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, National Agency for Space and Aeronautics, the Office of Naval Research, SCDA- Agribusiness Center for Research and Entrepreneurship (ACRE), and the USDA.

A copy of the full CV is available in the following link

2024 tedx

TEDx ClemsonU

Honored for the opportunity to present some of research from the lab dealing with AI: Teaching Chemistry to Computers…          

featured award

Thanks to FCQ@UNC !!!

Many thanks to everyone who came to the seminar yesterday and especially to Dr. Mariscal, Dean of the School, for the recognition as Distinguished Visitor. More information about the seminar and the event can be found at https://www.fcq.unc.edu.ar/content/node/5608. Needless to say, it is super nice to be back in my alma mater!!      …

Participation in SPARK* 2019

We have also presented our research at 2019 Spark*, an event to bring together teachers, principals, and scientists to discuss the impact of technology. The presentation is available in this link.

2017 CDG newspaper

Our lab in the news

Research from the lab linked to paper-based analytical devices for biomedical applications has been presented at TEDx Cordoba (2016) and featured in the newspaper La Voz del Interior.