This proposal aims to support NASA needs expressed in 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, TX06 Human Health, Life Support, and Habitation Systems, to develop “Next-Generation Water Monitoring Systems with Nanotechnology”. The proposed STTR project aims to develop a nanoparticle based microfluidic colorimetric sensor for the detection and quantification of metal ions. The desired sensitivity, selectivity and stability of the device will be achieved through the combination of chemical selective and sensitive functionalized metal nanoparticles, paired with a novel in-situ formation of the functionalized nanoparticles onto microfluidic paper-based pads, as well as a simple and compact RGB colorimetric reader. Overall, the proposed technology will be a reliable, robust and compact microfluidic based colorimetric sensor that requires extremely small sample volumes, no sample prep, has fast measurement times (less than 5 min), is easy-to-use, and most importantly has the capability to measure metal ions currently of interest to NASA (Ag, Zn, Mn, Pb, Hg, Ni). In addition, the proposed technology would be gravity agnostic due to the use of microfluidic channels.

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