Basanta Ghimire
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy Thermally rechargeable supercaps, Nanophosphor synthesis and characterization
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy Thermally rechargeable supercaps, Nanophosphor synthesis and characterization
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy High energy laser materials, Thermoelectrics
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy Electrolytes for next-gen rechargeable batteries
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy Materials for next-gen electrochemical energy storage systems
Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Physics and Astronomy Materials for next-gen electrochemical energy storage systems
Graduate Research Assistant, Automotive Engineering Silicon-based Anodes and biorenewable materials for Lithium-ion Batteries
Graduate Research Assistant, Physics Synthesis and Properties for 2D Materials, Materials for fiber optics