Do you have a passion for agriculture? Do you enjoy working with and helping others? Do you want to make a positive difference in people’s lives? If you said YES! You should consider teaching agriculture for your professional career.
Step 2: Obtain a Degree
Agricultural education is the most diverse agricultural degree available covering multiple disciplines. Students in the Agricultural Education major have a wide variety of technical interests including animal agriculture, science, plant agriculture, agricultural mechanics, agribusiness, and natural resources. Within the degree, you can choose from two concentrations to meet your career goals: leadership and teaching.
Transfer from
Two-Year Degree Programs
Four Year Degree Program

Step 3: Student Teaching

When our students were asked “What are you most looking forward to in the Spring as a student teacher?” All our student teachers had similar responses: they are ready to be in the classroom! Some common trends among their answers were interacting with students, working with their cooperating teachers, and teaching in a classroom setting. One student said that they were excited to finally get to practice everything they learned over all these years at Clemson.
Step 4: Obtain a Job