Núria Torres-Albà 📨
Núria Torres-Albà is a PostDoctoral Fellow at Clemson University in Clemson, USA. Her research is focused on active galactic nuclei (AGN) and their surroundings across the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular, she has worked on X-ray analysis of luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and Compton-thick AGN in the local Universe, as well as the modeling of gamma-ray emission produced in the interactions between AGN jets and obstacles.
She obtained her PhD in 2019 at the University of Barcelona, in Spain, and has been working at Clemson University ever since.
Lea Marcotulli 📨
Lea Marcotulli is a graduate student working for prof. Marco Ajello at Clemson University, USA. Her research is focused on blazars, i.e. active galactic nuclei with powerful relativistic jets pointed towards our line of sight. Powered by supermassive black holes, these are the most persistent jetted sources in the universe and can help us trace the supermassive black hole and jet evolution.
In particular, she uses X- and gamma-ray data from a variety of NASA satellites, as well as IR and optical ground based telescopes, to chase and find the most distant blazars. She also performs modeling to understand their physical properties as well as their evolution through cosmic time.
Special Acknowledgement
Pete Martin, Jim Melvin and Steve Koenemann (Clemson University), Nicola Bellomo (University of Texas at Austin) and José-Luis Bernal (Johns Hopkins University)