Graduate Student
I graduated from Clemson University in 2022 with a B. S. in Biochemistry and am beginning a M. S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. As an undergraduate, my research was focused on transgenic Toxoplasma gondii to model pesticide resistance with A. thaliana inserts of ppo genes in mammalian tissue culture. In the fall of 2022, I began studying under Dr. Morgante at the Greenwood Genetics Center with an emphasis in bioinformatics and high-performance computing. Apart from the GGC, I work as a lab technician with the REDDI lab with an upcoming project on Covid strain diagnosis. Schooling aside, I’m an avid fan of nature through climbing with a personal interest in origami and ballroom dance.
My research will be conducted under Dr. Morgante at GGC and focuses on method comparison for gene prediction of polygenic traits. The long-term goal of this work is to build modelling capabilities for the development of personalized medicine by predicting disease susceptibilities from healthy individuals with a high degree of accuracy. While in its infancy, this methodology could be used to predict cranial formation and screen for variable neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease, ASD, and schizophrenia.